
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Leadership training for university students

University students are considered as adults, therefore they have the freedom to bear any political opinion and actively engage in political activities. However it should not ruin the university education system. Science the public money is used for the free education, university students have a responsibility to study well and contribute to the development of the country.


However last few decades political activities inside the universities become influential beyond the limits damaging the peaceful education environment. Some radical political leaders try to transfer their political views to the new comers by force during the rag season. Although these parties pretend to respect the democracy they break the rule for the personal gain. Further they do not allow other political groups to introduce their political views. Now a day’s most of the university students are just school leavers at their early twenties. They haven’t been exposed to influential political environment earlier and that may lead them to follow what is introduced first.

Only small number of students directly involve in these destructive political activities (such as strikes, exam boycott), but the majority is afraid to raise their voice against them.

The government recently introduced a leadership training programme to the students selected for universities. The objective is to produce students, who are well disciplined, physically fit, knowledgeable and capable of conflict resolution at the end of the university life.

Although the programme is valuable and useful huge political influence against the programme goes on. Most of the protestors are not the students undergoing the training, their parents or university staff, but the people involve in politics.

The training programme is organized at different military bases due to the availability of infrastructure for large number of students such as accommodation, play grounds etc. As confirmed by the government the training does not involve military activities and completely harmless.

This training may help them to have liberal political views and avoid the physical and mental harassments at the rag and to continue university education without interruption. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pension scheme for the private sector in Sri Lanka

Many protests are going on these days to obstruct the implementation of the proposed pension scheme for the private sector.  Their main concern is threat to EPF and ETU. However it is timely requirement to understand the scheme well before protesting.
According to the government the objective of this scheme is to provide financial support for all the employees after retirement. This is a good idea for increasing elderly population.
The government will establish a fund for this scheme. The fund will be consisted of
  • One billion rupees by the government,
  • 2% of the salary from the employee,
  • 2% of the salary from the employer,
  • Money from the inactivated EPF accounts,
  • 2% of the EPF at the time the employee obtain it etc.

The government does not halt EPF, ETF money or benefits and ETF, EPF schemes will be continued even after the establishment of new scheme.
A person needs to have a minimum of 10 year contribution to be entitled to the scheme. If the person stop contribution or die before 10 years 60% of the total contribution by the employee will be paid.
The benefits

  • Employee will receive a monthly pension until his death after age of 60 years.
  • Upon his death the wife will be entitled to obtained the pension until her death
What are the drawbacks?
  • 10 year contribution and paying only 60% for the employees who couldn’t contribute for 10 years
  • If the employee dies before 10 years no security to his family
  • Age limit 60 years is too much for private sector
  • Yet no clue about the amount of the pension that will be paid after retirement

To my knowledge the pension scheme is a timely requirement and people should help government to implement it minimizing drawbacks.
However most of the protesters do it without a sense for the sake of opposing the government.
What should the opposition parties and protesters do?
Come out with solutions to minimize the problems and to provide maximum (reliable) benefits to employees without trying to stop the whole process.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Skin Whitening and Health

At a glance skin whitening doesn’t seem to connect with health problemes, but it can be if you do not select your skin whitening product carefully.

Skin whitening has become a regular practice among the dark skinned and mix racial populations as many thinks white is beautiful. In Sri Lanka skin whitening treatments are offered with normal beautifying treatments such as facial. Our skin color is genetically determined by the amount of the pigment melanin produced in the body. UV rays of the sun help melanin production making us dark but protecting from radiation. If someone wants to be fair beyond genetically determined they have to reduce the production of melanin and protect from sun light.

Different methods of skin lightening
Bleaching is the washing out the color of the melanin by topically applying bleaching agent. Hydrogen peroxide is commonly used. However intensive procedures may cause permanent skin damage and discoloration.
Inhibition of melanin production
Some compounds can reduce the melanin production by inhibiting one or few steps in the production cycle. Hydroquinone is such compound once very popular but now only approved for medical use due to potential health hazards.
Avoid sun
Since UV light of the sun help melanin production, use of sunscreen or physical barrier can minimize sun tanning.

Mercury effectively inhibit melanin thereby lightening the skin and eliminating age spots and freckles.  It was widely used in skin care products old days. However it can be toxic as mercury penetrates through the skin and accumulates in tissues. Most of the Developed countries including Europe and USA banned mercury to be used in cosmetic products.
Long term use of mercury containing products has a potential to cause Kidney damages, Nervous system damage as well as Skin damage
The tragedy is many developing countries including Sri Lanka still use cosmetics products with banned ingredients. There is no consumer protection system to test the cosmetics imported to Sri Lanka for mercury and other toxic compounds. 

Fake Whitening cream in Sri Lanka

Original products from France
Many cosmetics do not say where they are from. One example is St. Dalfour whitening cream sold at very high price in Sri Lanka. It does not mention ingredients as well as contact information. The funniest thing is St. Dalfour is originally a fruit production company in France and they have mention nothing about a skin cream in their site although the containers and trademarks are similar.

Reliable cosmetics products should display the ingredients, place of production and address.

Following details were published in  May 25/ 2010, Chicago Tribune.
First 7 whitening products of the below list tested positive for dangerous mercury levels and I have seen 1 (shabright) and 6 (crème Diana) in Sri Lankan market.

Product name                                                  Location manufactured          Amount of mercury (ppm)
Shabright Clear and Bright Skin Formula                       India                              1.8
Top-Gel MCA Extra Pearl Cream                                Taiwan                             1.9
Lulanjina *                                                                      China                               14,100 
Stillman's Skin Bleach Cream                                        Pakistan                         29,600
Ling Ji Su containers *                                                   China                               6,090 
Crème Diana C.T.R.                                                      Lebanon                            6,900
Top-Gel MCA Extra Pearl Cream                                Taiwan                              7,030
Ly-Na Pearl Face Cream**                                           Taiwan   Complied with safety standard 
San Ing Face Cream **                                                 Taiwan    Complied with safety standard 
Ballet Ginseng Pearl Cream                                         China                            Not detected
Roldan 2%                                                                     Domincan Republic     Not detected
Black and White Bleaching Cream                               U.S.A.                           Not detected
Cora Super White                                                         Lebanon                         Not detected
Dermaline Skin Lightening Cream                      Dominican Republic              Not detected
Dermaline Skin Whitening Cream                       Dominican Republic              Not detected
Dr. Fred Summit Skin Whitener                                     Harvey, IL                  Not detected
Emami Naturally Fair Pearls                                             England                     Not detected
English Ubtan Tumeric Cream                                          Pakistan                    Not detected
Fair & Lovely                                                                     India                          Not detected
Fair & White Lightening Cream                                       France                       Not detected
G&G Lightening Beauty Cream                                Ivory Coast                     Not detected
Ginseng Placenta Cream                                              Unknown                       Not detected
Huile Eclaircissante Skin Light Abidjan,                     Ivory Coast                   Not detected
Lulanjina tube                                                                     China                       Not detected
Maxi Light                                                                     Ivory Coast                  Not detected
Pearl Cream                                                                      China                       Not detected
Peau Claire Beauty Body Cream                                    Ivory Coast             Not detected
Sivoclair Lightening Cream                                             Ivory Coast            Not detected
Tura Active Plus                                                              South Africa            Not detected
Tura Skin Tone Cream                                                      Dubai                    Not detected
U.B. U.V. Whitening Pearl Cream                                  Thailand                 Not detected
Venus de Milo                                                                  Nigeria                   Not detected
Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream                                              India                     Not detected
Zarina                                                                               England                  Not detected


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Osteoporosis in Sri Lanka

Osteoporosis is a degenerative condition which makes your bones weak and increases the fracture risk. However it should not be confused with joint pains occurred due to other conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In a study done in Galle Sri Lanka participating 350 women found more than 42% prevalence rate in the sample. The prevalence was 61.5% among the women over 50 years.
Our bones increase in size and density until around 30 years of age and the density reduce throughout the life thereafter. 
Lumbar Bone Mass Density versus Age chart

If we do not reach to sufficient BMD (Bone Mineral Density) at young adulthood, our bones density reduce beyond the normal levels later in life making us more vulnerable to hip fractures and other fractures. Women are more likely go develop osteoporosis than females

The causes are
  • Genetics
  • Smoking and Alcohol intake
  • Inactivity
  • Low calcium intake
  • Prolong use of some drugs
  • Vitamin D deficiency

To reach maximum BMD and to prevent osteoporosis
  • Intake sufficient amount of calcium
  • Engage in regular exercise (30 mins x 3 days/week) or physical activities
  • Stop/reduce smoking and drinking alcohol
What is your calcium requirement?

0–6 months*
200 mg
200 mg

7–12 months*
260 mg
260 mg

1–3 years
700 mg
700 mg

4–8 years
1,000 mg
1,000 mg

9–13 years
1,300 mg
1,300 mg

14–18 years
1,300 mg
1,300 mg
1,300 mg
1,300 mg
19–50 years
1,000 mg
1,000 mg
1,000 mg
1,000 mg
51–70 years
1,000 mg
1,200 mg

71+ years
1,200 mg
1,200 mg

Milk and dairy products, fish with bones and green leafy vegetables have highest amount of calcium.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Safety driving
Traffic accidents
Number of vehicles on the road has been increasing rapidly since the introduction of open economy. Similar to that traffic accidents also increased. According to the 2009 Police statistics 2400 people died and more than 25000 injured due to automobile accidents and more than half of the incidents involved motor cycles.
Most of these deaths and accidents could have been avoided if the drivers, passengers and the pedestrians were vigilant enough to follow the road rules and speed limits.

Motor cycle safety
Motor cyclists have higher chance to be injured as they are directly subjected to the force of impact and to lose balance and fall in an accident. But most of them drive carelessly crossing lines and overtaking very closely to other vehicles. Although motor cycles are meant for two, it is not uncommon to see 3-4 people on a cycle. Some carries infants on the back of the bike without proper guard. In away motor cycle is an efficient method of transport but the riders should take steps to achieve maximum safety.

Our road system is not always convenient, broken edges, holes, large gutters and bumps can be seen even in Type A roads. Therefore drivers should not exceed the speed beyond their control to expect the unexpected and react to minimize the damage. Your speed limit depends on the ability, health, weather, road and the condition of the vehicle and it may below the general speed limits displayed by the road side. The use of seat belts can protect you from severe injuries by preventing passengers throwing out from the vehicle. Therefore use them whenever available. Dot let children move around while going in a vehicle, put seat belts if available or hold them securely. 

Not all of the accidents occurred due to fault of the drivers, pedestrians also have a major role to play. I have seen people crossing the road at the yellow lines before on comings vehicles have stoped. It is good if you cross at pedestrian crossing, but always communicate with the oncoming vehicles. Signal them that you are going to cross. Remember significant number of accidents had been occurred on the pedestrian crossing.

Using mobile phones
Apart from drunk and driving use of mobile phone while driving is the new culprit which is unfavorable for road safety. Drivers who are busy and need to answer phone call without stopping the vehicle, please use hand free devise for safety of all. However texting or  finding contact numbers should be totally avoided while driving.

Give others a chance
Finally be patient, Just think that everyone has to use the road, not only you and try to give others a chance without rushing for no reason. Slow down at pedestrian crossings, if someone wants to change the track give him a chance. Strictly abide the road rules. You can be happy for helping others.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sell your car online

Sell your car online
The internet use is becoming popular in Sri Lanka every day. Many people use it for commercial purposes as well as a source of information. If facilitates online selling and buying without additional charges.  Several Sri Lankan web sites can be found in the internet, that provide facilities to sell your vehicle. Further these sites have significant number of users and allow you to upload pictures of your vehicle.

Website                                                        Rate (Rs.)                                     500-1000                           Free                                   Free

Monday, May 2, 2011

Invest in Colombo Stock Exchange

Several years ago bank savings become one of the profitable and safest investments route. There were times that 5-year fixed deposit paid interest as high as 20% doubling your money by 4-5 years. However after the war, with much stable economy interest rates for savings dramatically reduced.  Therefore many people find ways to invest money for better return.
Though not the safest, the stock market has good potential for high profits if invest wisely. After the war the Colombo stock market has grown significantly and both local and foreign investments had increased since then. This article was indented to provide a basic idea about the stock market and how to invest.

When companies want to find capital without taking loans they issue shares to the public to cover identified percentage of their capital. Share holders will get several benefits such as right to vote for company decisions and dividends (apportion of the profit) for their contribution to the capital.

Stock market
Stock market is the place where the share holders transact their shares. Although shares are issued at a fixed price by the company, at the stock market the price fluctuate due to demand and supply. Although the company does not benefit from these fluctuations the share holders can make profits (or loss) by selling their shares to another buyer.

How to invest
To invest in the share market an individual need to find a mediator (a stock broker). The mediator then facilitates the transactions of the investor. All the individuals need to have an account in the Central Depositary System for transactions. However companies can issue shares directly to the individuals with a certificate and they can get the dividends. However selling of those shares require access to the stock market.

Science Research Project Competition (SRPC)- 2011

Science Research Project Competition is an annual event organized by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The programme consisted of series of training workshops and a competition at the end. During the programme students are educated on conducting a science research and  guided throughout their research project by a group of scientists. Winners of the final competition will participate in the “Sri Lanka Science and Engineering Fair (SLSEF)” Winners and participants will be awarded with certificates and prizes. SLSEF winners will get a chance to contest at the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair which is held every year in the USA.

Age limit is for the above competition is 13- 19years. The first training workshop of the above competition will be held on 08th June 2011 at 9.00am at NSF. If you are interested you can enroll by sending an application to the NSF. Application can be downloaded from

Please contact Ms. Nadeera Jayaweera for further details
011-2696771-3 ext 111
National Science Foundation, 47/5, Maitland Place, Colombo -07

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Astrology and Horoscope

Astrology is a widespread belief of people like a religion. In Sri Lanka astrology is used in most of special occasions such as marriage, building a house, naming a newborn etc. Even though there is no proven science, majority strictly believe it and many do not hesitate to postpone even most important things in their lives just because of this.
As I know the Horoscope, one of the main components in astrology, is the map which shows the position of the planets at the time of birth. According to the astrology, practiced in Sri Lanka, nine (9) planets can be seen in the horoscope. Among those two planets are (Rahu and Kethu) mythical and the rest is really the members of our solar system.
In science it has been evidently proven that the earth and the other planets of the solar system go around the Sun. But in astrology it is considered that the Sun and the other planets go around the earth. (or relative motion of other planets against the earth). 
According to the astrology the future of an individual can be predicted studying the position of planets (horoscope) at the time of birth and motions of the planets influence the lives of people. 
Planets can affect the earth and people even in science. But the influence of planets in astrology is completely different from what explained in science.
As an example when a particular planet comes closer to the earth, the underline region of the earth might experience the force of gravity. But in astrology two people standing closely experience different effects according to the position of the planets of their birth charts.
How does a planet million miles far away from the earth influence millions of people in different ways? The other thing is, if the astrology is so accurate why the sex of a person cannot be exactly expressed using the time of birth. Astrologers are unable to come up with an acceptable answer. So is it really worth to depend on astrology?