
Monday, November 28, 2011

Sri Lanka Olympiad Federation

Official Establishment 
Sri Lanka Olympiad Federation was established on 24th November 2011, at the National Science Foundation. Dr .S.R D. Rosa, National Coordinator of Sri Lankan Physics Olympiad Competition and a senior lecturer at the University of Colombo was appointed as the Chairman.  

The Federation was established to fulfill the requirement of a central authoritative body to coordinate and facilitate activities among the different institutes that conduct National Olympiad competitions.

The establishment was assisted by the National Science Foundation, and other related parties.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Violations in Sri Lanka

We can stop it

In 2009 Sri Lankan people felt the freedom after the decades of brutal war. Now we are living in a peaceful country without war and all citizens have a responsibility to protect the country. However I have seen violations bit frequently during past days.  A murder of a kind doctor, killing of a schoolboy by his classmate by throwing a stone, a grenade attack to a bus due to a dispute with another driver and the shooting incidents during the election were among the recent violations took media attention. These incidents are personal and not organized crimes, but are red lights about the future of the country.  Usually post war violations are not very uncommon, but most of these crimes did not occur in war areas.

Sri Lanka is popular for its hospitality and generosity and we shouldn’t let it slip away. Spiritual qualities of the people are similarly important as the economy and other indicators of development.

At present we have a very competitive education system which is exam oriented. Although the competition is beneficial for some situations if the human qualities are neglected it may train someone to be better than others in any mean by any method. The person who killed the Karandeniya doctor, only thought about money and the compassion of the doctor didn’t make a sense. Schools and Dhamma schools are good places to teach about the value of the human qualities but the chance is not well used.

Corruptions of the rulers and bias judgments given to the people involved in corruptions are other reason for the violence. Law should be identical for everyone. If the law is relaxed to some, people others distrust it and try to take law in to their hand leading to more complex situation. Therefore if someone is doing a crime he should be punished without being biased. Law enforcement institutions such as police also should act fairly. It is good to note that, significant number of violations linked with military and ex-military personnel.

Politics are important for the development. However Unnecessary Political involvements should be limited. May be the current voting system influence the Political involvement as to gain preferential votes but Politicians have to think about the harmony and the future of the country. They have to be faithful.

Finally as a society all of us can do many things to keep the peace we achived. Better start today.