
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Buddhism in Sri Lanka

Lets protect Buddhism through correct practice

Buddhism is a very practical religion. The Buddha taught how to train our mind to be happy. It is quite different from the happiness we generally expect. As an example “If someone wants to have a car, he will be definitely happy once he owns one. But since we cannot get everything we need it is difficult to be happy. Even though we get them the happiness from the materials does not last long.

But the Buddha taught how to be happy (or not to be unhappy) at any situation by training our mind to accept the nature. With that training we can stay without being worried during an illness or death of a loved one. We know that the Buddha renounced all his property and family but he was happy. He only owned few robes and a food bowl and he always encouraged his disciples to renounce and train the mind to attain the constant happiness (or Nirvana). He always expected and encouraged meditation.

However today it seems most of the Buddhists do not at least understand what Buddhism is. For most of them it is just a chanting religion to relieve a problem. It is a tragedy to see some monks malpractice the Buddhism. Very popular examples are

  • ·         The Vishwa Shakthi Monk Ven.Dr Delduwe.Gnanasumana and
  • ·         Monks who engage in astrology and black magic like Shobitha Hamuduruwo, Ruwanwella.
The Buddha prohibited these types of practices for monks as it damages the Buddha Sasana and also hampers the development of the mind.

The Buddha was believed to have lot of supernatural powers, but he never used them to cure diseases. He advised his followers to contemplate on the pain you feel from diseases and understand the nature and to renounce from the desire for your body which is getting older, painful and uncertain. (for more information Please read

Today the essence of the Buddhism (mind training, observe precepts, stay away from evil) has been masked by less effective practices like “Chanting for every thing” The chants are the discourses of the Buddha or Maha Sangha. To get an effect you have to practice them, just chanting them has a minimal effect and that was not indented by the Buddha. Just think that you listen and chant “Karaneeya Metta Sutra” daily and twice a day to get rid of your problems but kill cockroaches, mosquitoes and place rat poison to kill rats. Will that work?

We always blame other religions for converting Buddhists to their religions. But the harm is immense when the Buddhist monks and lay people themselves doing the wrong practice for sake of the Buddhism.

Ministry of Buddha Sasana & Religious Affairs and other Buddist organizations have a huge responsibility to protect the Buddhism. They can take an action against the monks who break the rules. Also they can aware people about the correct Buddhists practices.

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